Tag Kali Kesembilan

Monday 24 May 2010


Kali ni lak tag daripada naddy lak.. dia ni memang ske btul tag orang... walaupun ada lagi tag tak terjawab ni tak apalah.. saya cuba jugak untuk jawab.. dah macam assignment lak rasa dia bagi kat saya..

Using only song titles from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. You can't use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think!

Pick Your Artist:

Tak tahu nak minat kat sapa hehe..

Are you a male or female:
Boys boys boys.

Describe yourself:
suka makan percuma hehe...

How do you feel:

Describe where you currently live:
depan laptop

What's your Occupation:

taip- taip

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
syurga hehe... Sapa tak nak??

Your favorite form of transportation:
terbang sendiri macam ultraman hahaha...

Your best friend is:


You and your best friends are:

What's the weather like:


If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:

What is life to you:

biasa je..

Your current relationship:
biasa2 je...

Your fear:

adalah hehe...

What is the best advice you have to give:
hati-hati dijalan raya

Thought for the Day:

How I would like to die:
yang ni takut mati la..

My soul's present condition:
money honey. duit je ingat.hehe (tiru naddy haha...)

My motto:
mana leh bagitau.. (malu)

hah dah siap haha...

Kita tengok lak siapa yang kena hahaha....

best buat tag ni. buat lah. anda pasti terhibur (dan menyeksakan). hahaha.


suka_haha said...

wah pandai ko speaking bi mat din..hehehe

suka_haha said...

soalan copy paste hehe.. jawapan je tak.. kalau ada pun mengaku awal-awal lagi hehehehe....

suka_haha said...

hahah..thnx tag aisya..nt2 aisya jawab k..;p toink3

suka_haha said...

tak aciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. (-_-)//

suka_haha said...

x aci kt mne naddy eh??

suka_haha said...

terima kasih ye hehe

suka_haha said...

Hu.. nanti ezad jwb k.. tag tu... nway tq..

suka_haha said...

sama2 hehe...

suka_haha said...

haha!! matdin jawab x ikut arahan..apa la matdin ni...

suka_haha said...

oklah tu.. klau bagi kat cikgu mesti betulnya haha... tweety xleh tiru hehe...